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Free Blank Sunday School Lesson Plan Templates!

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

FREE high quality & easy to use blank lesson plan templates for both Sunday school teachers and parents!

Never leave your lesson plans at home again with these editable digital templates!

  • Download the Free PDF template.

  • Add your customized lesson.

  • Save it for portable & paperless use.

Or you can print the blank template and fill it out by hand!

These beautifully made children's ministry resources will help you provide an organized Sunday school experience in the classroom or at home.

I have taught Children's Church for over 3 years and have served as superintendent throughout the last year. Believe me when I say...

Finding the right lesson plan template for a Sunday School ministry can be HARD!

It can be challenging to track everything from bible studies, lessons, student's learning styles, teacher's schedules, and not to mention you are volunteering for all of this.

I didn't come from a teaching background when I answered God's calling.

I wasn't sure how to take on a classroom, so early on, I searched the internet for the perfect lesson plan that worked for my diverse group of students.


Many websites offered free templates, but they weren't equipped to handle the challenges teachers face in #Sunday #school.

  • Frequent changes in attendance & allotted class time.

  • A wide range of ages.

  • Lack of financial resources.

  • Few trained volunteer workers.

I needed flexibility mixed with convenience.

If I had to be absent, I wanted to prepare the substitute with a digital copy of my completed lesson plan, confirming that my student's learning is undisturbed.

Eventually, I had to create my weekly and daily lesson planner from scratch.

[Actual Example]

It became such a success that I recommend it to everyone!

Make the best use of every teaching moment by ensuring each lesson flows progressively.

Plan your lessons using this Editable and Printable lesson plan template.

Subject: Sunday School Ministry

Grade Level: All

Resource Type: Lesson Plans (Individual) & Lesson Planner (Weekly)


Looking for more digital resources for Sunday school teachers? Check out Simple Sunday School on the blog!


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