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[Stop Here] New Believer's Series - Maturity: Discernment

Updated: Apr 8, 2023

This post is part of a series of core Christian principles for new believers. For more, visit the series archive.

Congratulations, you've made it through this entire series! Your great strides in this walk have led to a better understanding of Christianity!

The Christian walk is a lifelong journey, and it doesn't end here.

The New Believer's Blog Series attempted to break down Christianity's fundamental principles while answering FAQs.

Remember that there is much more to discover, and you have a divine destiny to fulfill!

This last post will cover the greatest step in maturity, which is discernment.

Know when you're under spiritual attack!

Previously, I talked a little about the trials from God, and we learned that they exist to test us. Usually, they show us where we are in our spiritual walk, humble us, or reveal the areas we need to fix. They can also develop us into godly examples for others who are facing similar challenges.

Our response could lead to God's blessings, a curse, or a retrial.

When it comes to maturity, you must be able to discern when you are on trial or under spiritual attack from Satan.

The difference between the two is a matter of perspective.

[Positive] A test from God with a greater purpose.

[Negative] A satanic attack to ruin my life.

Let's examine Job's life, which is still used as an example 1,000s years later. [Job 1-42]

Job's life was put on trial, and Satan had to get God's approval to attack him.

This caused Job to lose his children and cattle, his wife became estranged, and his skin began to rot with sores.

Yet Job never stopped trusting God, and because of this, God blessed Job more abundantly in the end. His faithfulness is recorded in the Bible for everyone to see...forever.

Distinguishing the difference between a trial and an attack will save so much time and effort.

When a conflict arises, ask yourself, "is Satan trying to stop me, or is this God preventing me from moving forward?" Handling the situation properly is part of maturity.


Who's more likely to be attacked?

When at war, any high-ranking officer is considered a bigger threat to the enemy because they are well trained, possesses authority, and can do more damage than an entry-level soldier.

The same applies in the spirit realm.

A mature Christian is targeted more for attacks than a baby Christian due to their spiritual abilities and godly influence on others.

How does Satan attack?

First, remember that you are a child of God and trust that He will always protect you.

Satan has the power of deception, and he is extremely good at it.

If he cannot shake your faith in God, he will attempt to get others around you to do it. Especially if they're non-Christians, he'll influence them to give you bad advice or even do bad things to you.

Here are some examples:

Attack: Your co-worker has falsely accused you of theft, and you get fired.

Trial: Your trust in God brings you to a better job opportunity that couldn't happen with your past work schedule.

Attack: Your daughter is being bullied at school, so she lashes out at home.

Trial: This experience will allow ya'll to work through it together, building the closer relationship you've been praying for.

Attack: The thought to stay in bed because it's raining and it ok to miss today's Church service.

Trial: You receive a special blessing at Church for choosing to please God over temporary comfort.

Each scenario presents the choice to respond positively to the trial or fall into Satan's snare.

There are spiritual ways to defend yourself against these attacks. The Bible tells us to use the Armor of God.

Armor of God [Eph 6:10-18]

Belt of Truth

(Hold attire together & keep weapons in place)

Use it - Use God's Word of truth to filter all beliefs and actions.

Breastplate of Righteousness

(Worn over the torso to protect from injury)

Use It - Stay in right standing with God by being honest, good, humble, and fair.

Helmet of Salvation

(Protective gear worn on the head)

Use It - Protect your mind by believing that Jesus Christ died for your sins and rose again.

Shoes of Peace

(Designed for combat to provide grip, stability, and protection)

Use It - Being a peacemaker in troubled times provide stability in life.

Sword of the Spirit

(A soldier's main weapon in close combat)

Use It - The Word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit... [Heb. 4:12]

Shield of Faith

(Blocks the attack from hand-held weapons and projectiles)

Use It - Being sure that God will keep His promises will protect you from doubt and conflict.


Is it OK to Judge?

Judgment is evident throughout the Bible, and judging is a huge part of maturity. The book of Judges is all about people chosen by God to lead and protect Israel using His judgment.

Nowadays, 'judging' is totally taken out of context.

"Only God can judge!"

Many uninformed Christians say that it's wrong and not biblical to judge. When in actuality, they are against exposing evil actions or risk being a hypocrite.

"Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment." 
- John 7:24 (ESV)

Judging has multiple meanings, from giving a verdict in court to forming an opinion or even deciding competition results. The problems today lie with the interpretation of scriptures and making them fit our own agenda.

God set the universal moral standard; thus, our false judgments have no authority. When discerning, it helps to be aware of the things that God has already judged, like murder, abominations, and theft.

"Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them." - Eph. 5:11 (ESV)

It is not sinful to inform others when they violate God's standard, as long as you have the right motive; the intention to build up, support, and encourage, not to tear down or embarrass.


Judging Actions

A great example of the need for judging actions is King Solomon. He settled an argument between two women about a baby, and Solomon determined the child's birth mother by offering to split the infant in two. [1 Kings 3:16-28]

Sin exists in this world, so as righteous judges, we can not be naive about people's corrupt nature. We need the ability to distinguish right from wrong in people and their actions.

Judging Situations

Discernment involves properly evaluating conflicts before they arise.

Person 'A' is acting like this, and person 'B' is getting upset, then I can discern that result 'C' is likely to happen.

"But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man." -1 Cor. 2:15 (AKJV)

The ability to judge situations is necessary to avoid trouble and determine what path you are on.

Judging People

We are held accountable for warning our brethren of their offenses and guiding them back to the right path. Letting them know they are sinning might hurt their feeling, but it could save their future.

"If I say to the wicked person, 'You will surely die,' don't speak out to warn him about his wicked way in order to save his life—that wicked person will die for his iniquity.
Yet I will hold you responsible for his blood.

But if you warn a wicked person and he does not turn from his wickedness...he will die for his iniquity, 
but you will have rescued yourself." 
- Ezekiel 3:18-19 (CSB)

Sometimes people make mistakes, unaware that it is wrong; these are called trespasses. God could be using you to inform them before He disciples them.


Know your enemy!

In the Bible, there is the parable of the Wheat and the Tares. [Matthew 13:24-30]

The tares (harmful weeds that resemble wheat) are planted with the good wheat by an enemy, but since they are hard to tell apart, the farmer opts to separate them in the harvest.

This strategy saves the wheat from accidentally being plucked up, but it also allows the tares to grow up with the good.

This parable is like unto the Kingdom of Heaven.

There are tares in our Churches today, people that the enemy sends to cause destruction.

They will pretend to be trustworthy by helping the needy, quoting the Bible, or wearing Christian attire but have dishonorable motives.

"No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds." - 2 Cor. 11:14-15 (NASB)

Your discernment will help distinguish them from true believers, and God will show you how to manage the situation.

How do I spot my allies/enemies?

"A good tree can’t produce bad fruit; neither can a bad tree produce good fruit... So you’ll recognize them by their fruit."
- Matthew 7:18, 20 (CSB)

Do not believe sweet words and smiling faces, but examine actions.

The Fruit of The Holy Spirit: Gal. 5:22-23

  1. Love [1 Cor. 13:4-5]

  2. Joy [happiness]

  3. Peace [inner calmness]

  4. Patience [how we act while waiting]

  5. Kindness [consideration]

  6. Goodness [morally good]

  7. Faithfulness [loyal to God]

  8. Gentleness [compassion; tender]

  9. Self-control [self-restraint; will power]

The Fruit of The Enemy: Romans 1:28-32

They are filled with every kind of:

  1. sin [unrighteousness; injustice]

  2. evil [wickedness]

  3. selfishness [greed]

  4. hatred [malice]

  5. jealousy [envy]

  6. murder [premeditated killing]

  7. fighting [strife]

  8. lying [deceit]

  9. desire to cause harm without justification [mean-spiritedness]

  10. gossips [spreading rumors]

  11. say evil things about each other [slanderers; backstabers]

  12. haters of God [greatly dislikes]

  13. rude [disrespectful]

  14. conceited [arrogant]

  15. brag about themselves [boastful]

  16. invent ways of doing evil

  17. disobedient to parents [rebellion]

  18. foolish [senseless]

  19. they do not keep their promises [untrustworthy]

  20. Show no kindness [unloving]

  21. Show no pity [unmerciful]

  22. They know God's law says these things are wrong, yet they encourage others who practice them.

With knowledge comes great responsibility, and you are expected to share what you have learned and set a godly example for others.

I believe you can accomplish your duties to Christ, and I am so proud of you!

"I pray that every reader's curiosity is awakened and that they will desire to continue down the path to a greater relationship with our savior Jesus Christ.

Lord, show each new believer the direction they're to take to find their spiritual gift by invoking an interest in a particular area of this blog. Please strengthen them to do whatever it takes to dig deeper and make You their priority. Lord God, I am asking that You set a fire in their hearts, a burning desire to please You and accomplish the work you have for us on earth.

I pray that on the day we meet you in Heaven, you will say 'Well done, good and faithful servant' like in Matthew 25:23. I ask this all in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ's name, Amen."

- Airica Sada


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