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[Step 9] New Believer's Series - Relationship: Speaking To Him

Updated: Jul 18

This post is part of a series of core Christian principles for new believers. For more, visit the series archive.

Learn the importance of prayer and how to use it as a mighty weapon in your spiritual life.

Why is faith needed?

You have already shown a tremendous amount of faith by believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God, who died on the cross, and rose from the dead over 4,000 years ago.[Colossians 2:6-7]

Only a mustard seed size faith [Matthew 17:20] was required to believe this truth and be saved.

Now apply the same concept into your prayer life.

Believe that even though God has created an expansive universe, He still hears you and cares about your every need/desire (no matter how big or small they seem).

"Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you at the proper time, having cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares about you." - 1 Peter 5:6-7 (NASB)

My pastor once said that "If you pray for something 100 times, then 99 of those times you didn't believe God would answer you. Only that last prayer was made in faith."

Why do people pray for things over and over again?

He said, "when you pray, approach the throne with boldness and humble confidence [Hebrews 4:16]. Knowing that your Father in Heaven would not withhold any good thing from you." [Psalm 84:11]

You shouldn't pray about the same matter repeatedly unless it wasn't done correctly.

Instead, thank God for hearing your request the first time, and working on it.

Ask yourself did I give God enough time to answer to my prayer before I moved forward?

When it comes to decision-making, it's crucial to ask God for direction immediately; not after you've decided what to do.

Sometimes His answer won't come right away, but trust God to handle the situation at the perfect time, and you will be well rewarded in the end.

Illustration: You have prayed for a better paying job closer to home, and God agrees that your request is good. Three months later, He blessed the local law firm, and now they can create a budget for a new position. The job has been posted a month before you apply, and over the next few weeks, you're interviewed multiple times before being hired. It's a blessing!

Be patient while waiting on God's response by fighting off any discouraging thoughts because God can't forget you, so don't lose faith.

Always consider that there are other moving pieces in life that God has to keep in balance. He does not force anyone to do anything, but He does work circumstances out for our good.

"We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28 (CSB)


What's the point of prayer?

Do you get nervous when asked to pray to God out loud? I used to!

Some people feel like there is a special ritual or chant they must follow for prayer to work.

'Now I lay me down to sleep...'

'Our Father, who art in heaven...'

Template prayers are great as a beginner, but the closer you get to God, the more comfortable you'll become.

The idea is to pray daily until you are so at ease that it flows naturally, and you're not simply reciting a prayer from memory. However, don't become too relaxed; God is still a Holy King.

"Be comfortable with God, not casual."

It's good to imagine yourself speaking with God in His throne room, kneeling humbly.

Approaching God's throne incorrectly can cause your prayers to be unhonored.

Improper prayer practices:

These points are valid for both individual and group prayer. You can hinder not only your own but also the prayer requests of others.

Proper prayer practices:

  • Be in a peaceful environment.

  • Clear your mind from your busy schedule.

  • Be fully awake so that you can focus.

  • Pray in a place where others can't hear (even if it's in your mind).

  • Dedicated time to speak openly and verbally with God.

Please note, you can always pray to God anytime and anywhere, especially in an emergency.


How to call on God's name?

God has more than one name; of course, He has been around before the existence of time.

In the Bible, you'll discover that there are 85+ names for God that His believers have called on.

God has specific names for deliverance, peace, healing, productivity, encouragement, safety, provision, power, redemption, victory, direction, and much more.

When you use God's several titles, you engage in a different relationship with Him. And over time, you'll learn more about His character through His names.

For example:

  1. Abba = Father

  2. Elohim = The strong creator God.

  3. El Shaddai = Almighty God

  4. El Nekamoth = The God who avenges

  5. Immanuel = God with us

  6. Jehovah = The relational God.

  7. Jehovah Rophe = The Lord our healer

  8. Kadosh = Holy One

There is no harm in repeating the same name in prayer; however, when you call on God for a special reason, use His appropriate name for your sought-after response.

Using these titles can amplify your prayer life and strength, so try to learn all about them, including their pronunciation.


In what way can I relate to God?

One important aspect of speaking with God is learning how we actually relate to Him.

In other words, understanding your importance and position in Christ can boost your confidence in prayer.

Christians are a unique group of people, we are the temple of God individually, and collectively we create the Church.

"So if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and individual members of it."
- 1 Corinthians 12:26-27 (CSB)

There are seven ways Scripture describes our relationship with Christ. Study these figures carefully; they all point to the beneficial position we have in prayer.

The 7 images of Christ and the Church:

1. Christ is the Shepherd and believers are His Sheep [John 10]

Provision, deliverance, fellowship, spiritual life and food.

2. Christ is the True Vine and believers are the Branches [John 15:1-17]

Sustainer, abide in fellowship, fruitfulness, union, and communion.

3. Christ is the Chief Cornerstone and we're the Building Stones [Eph. 2:19-22]

Purpose, divine nature, the dependence of each other, and the habitation of God.

4. Christ is the High Priest and we are the Royal Priesthood [1 Peter 2:9]

Intercession, the sacrifice of self, good works, and the service of worship.

5. Christ is the Head and the church is the Body [Colossians 1:18]

Life source, living union, special gifts, and functions.

6. Christ is the Last Adam and the church is the New Creation [1 Cor. 15:45-49]

The establishment of a new order, baptism of the Spirit, a shared position in Christ.

7. Christ is the Groom and the church is the Bride [Eph. 5:29-32]

The present and future intimate relationship with Christ.

As you see, we're a living, self-developing organism that is eternally united in Christ. Our existence and well-being are significant to God; that's why He died for us!

God wants the absolute best for us, which involves having an intimate relationship by speaking with Him in prayer.


"The Lord will send His goodness in the daytime; And His song will be with me in the night, A prayer to the God of my life." - Psalm 42:8 (NASB)


'Because of who you are' by Vicki Yohe

"Lord, I worship you because of who you are

Jehovah Jireh, my provider Jehovah Nissi, Lord, you reign in victory Jehovah Shalom, my Prince of Peace..."

'My Prayer (Yahweh)' by CalledOut Music

"I'll say that your grace is all I need oh Lord

You can see the best in me

That's why I call you Yahweh..."


The Bible tells us to bring our requests to the Lord. Dr. Tony Evans will explain why those requests ought to have more to do with God’s agenda than our own...


You have the tools to become a strong prayer warrior in the body of Christ. Now it's time to learn to share Him in [Step 10].

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