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[Step 14] New Believer's Series - Maturity: Growing In Knowledge

Updated: Jul 18

This post is part of a series of core Christian principles for new believers. For more, visit the series archive.

Examine the benefits and tools necessary to grow up in the Lord.

Why become a serious student?

The Bible tells us that wisdom and understanding are more valuable than any material possession.

"for wisdom is better than jewels, and all that you may desire cannot compare with her." -Prov. 8:11 (ESV)

This is true because wisdom can't easily be lost, it is an excellent future investment, and above all else, God is wisdom, and you'd be obtaining Him.

You can spend the few years in life chasing after worldly riches or seeking to know the Lord your God.

"It is better to get wisdom than gold, and to choose understanding rather than silver!" -Prov. 16:16 (EXB)

God will gladly give you wisdom if you ask [James 1:5]. He will also attach other blessings to it.

For example:

  1. Spiritual Awareness: insight beyond what you can see or hear.

  2. Spiritual Discernment: ability to make better choices and judge well.

  3. Spiritual Fruitfulness: God blesses your works, and you get to enjoy the fruit of your labor.

Spiritual maturity comes with great responsibility, accountability, and a higher rank in God's army.

Being aware of the spirit realm opens your life up to attacks from Satan. When you became a Christian, you became apart of his problem, but don't be afraid.

Satan aims to make your Christian life miserable so that you'll be a defective member of the Church by reverting to your old ways and giving up on God's promises.

"...Our fight [conflict; struggle] is not against people on earth [flesh and blood] but against the rulers and authorities and the powers [or cosmic powers/rulers] of this world's darkness [darkness], against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavenly world [realm; places].    -Eph. 6:12 (EXB)

There is a spiritual war going on around us.

You can become a better equipped and effective soldier by being an earnest student of the Lord.

The Bible explains how to defend ourselves and others against spiritual attacks, but we must be serious about God's Word. (more on how later)


How to dig deeper in the Word?

Digging deeper is more than just becoming a serious student and taking advanced biblical classes. It's more like treasure hunting for nuggets of knowledge.

Your goal is to retrieve priceless information buried for years in the scriptures!

There is an abundance of gems, but it's hidden to the naked eye.

You'll need time, understanding, proper equipment, and the Holy Spirit to reveal it.

Many theologians, who've come before you, have mapped out biblical concepts and left behind clues for future generations to use.

Like hermeneutics, exegesis, commentaries, etc., these written directions are tools to help you dig further than they ever could.

God's Word is manifold wisdom; there's more to it than what rests on the surface.

To start digging, you'll need to immerse yourself in the story believing every word as truth; remove all biases and doubt.

Eventually, you'll connect the dots between the old & new testament, and discover that the whole Bible is about Christ.

The more you read, the more infinite layers are uncovered. Every time I read the bible in order from Genesis to Revelations, I learn something new.

  • 1st time - I was able to place the bible stories in chronological order.

  • 2nd time - I noticed God's patterns and fulfilled promises.

  • 3rd time - I started to understand why individuals made certain choices.

  • 4th time - I realized the spiritual significance in an individual's life.

"...Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him. BUT God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God." 
- 1 Cor. 2:9-10 (AKJV)

When reading the Bible, it's good to be a curious thinker. Asking 'why' and give God room to answer is an excellent way to be spiritually enlightened. For example:

Exercise seeking wisdom from the Lord, and He will show you and reward you for looking. You'll gain a closer relationship, mutual respect, and special privileges above others.


What is 'Breakfast and Bible' study?

Breakfast and Bible study (B&B) is a practical way to implement time with God as an individual or a family.

Starting your day off with God first is crucial for Christians because He is our source. Choosing to spend time with Him before our busy day begins is a HUGE display of honor.

Despite how simple/complex your mornings are, the body needs food, and the soul needs God, so why not feed them together?

As a new believer, this practice can be hard to implement; thus, you'll need flexibility and commitment.

Try attaching your devoted time to an existing habit for stick-to-itiveness.

Don't beat yourself up if you missed the allotted time. Just set realistic goals, adjust your schedule accordingly, and try again tomorrow.

For families, combining routines might be challenging but very achievable.

Agree on the best times before work/school and make an honest effort by holding each other accountable. Showing that God is directing your home sets a great example for your little ones.

Here is my personal B&B schedule:

Monday - Friday

7:45 am - Make breakfast & coffee

8 am - Bible reading (30min - 1 hour)

Start audio bible reader and follow along in physical bible.

Pause after each chapter for open discussion, questions, or comments.

This step-by-step approach helps the family discover God's Word in unison while viewing each other's perspective and interpretation. The audio bible also helps with word pronunciation, story comprehension, and keeping a steady reading pace.

It truly is a beautiful thing for a family to spiritually mature together, growing in love for the Lord and one another.


Where can I learn more theology?

As you can see, studying our Lord takes dedication and can be overwhelming at times.

However, if you have the compacity to learn more, I'd suggest going into theology.

Theology is the study of God and His nature.

You'll get to analyze the supernatural, examine religious topics, explore ancient prophecy, and more!

I applaud anyone deciding to take advanced biblical studies because it requires academic discipline and a willingness to learn old/new precepts.

The first place that comes to mind for a systematic study of God is seminary school.

However, like most master level programs, you'll need a bachelor's degree, pass admission requirements and evaluations, as well as cover the tuition and books.

Here is a list of biblical study options for every student level.


Seminary School - Master's level training specifically in systematic theology.

University Programs - Limited generalized view of religious history and Christianity.

Religious Education Course - Typically free college-level courses without the stress of earning a grade or credit.


Sunday School & Classes - Church-designed programs to help deepen your biblical knowledge.

Nighttime Bible Study - An informal detailed bible study prepared by a Pastor for members and visitors. (usually held on weekdays)

Small-Group Bible Study - An informal peer-hosted open bible discussions. Typically includes guest speakers, workbooks, or group Q&As.


Religious Studies Books - Foundational theological study books from professors and well-renowned theologians.

Bible Apps and Tools - Modern downloadable software tools to help you conveniently study.

Televangelism - A Christian television or radio broadcast ministry meant to teach and lead others to Christ.

Use discernment and careful research before choosing your biblical sources. Measure everything being taught against the scriptures, and anything contrary is either false doctrine or pure speculation.

Always pray that God will filter out any misinformation and guide you to His truth.


"For the Lord gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding."

- Proverbs 2:6 (NASB)


'All I Am' by Spencer Annis

"God, let them see the way that I see You

The way that You are, the way that I need You

Oh how I need You..."

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Catch me before I fall, Make it known in my soul

You’re in control..."


The Blessings of Taking God Seriously Series

Discover how spiritual insight can show you what God is doing in order to enable you to do what you should be doing...


Enjoying your Christian walk? Well, we're nearing the end of this series, so take the last step in the next post [Stop Here].

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