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[Step 11] New Believer's Series - Maturity: Your New ID!

Updated: Jul 18

This post is part of a series of core Christian principles for new believers. For more, visit the series archive.

Learn the basics of your new spiritual identity and the unique gift that comes with it!

What is my new identity?

As a Christian, discovering who you are in Christ and your divine purpose is definitely something to anticipate.

In this section, we'll examine what the Bible says about the believer.

Spiritually we are rebuilt from the inside out, and even though we can't see it, 30+ things happen to us at the moment we believe.

Each person of the Godhead takes an active role in our salvation, and here are a few ways how:

God: The Holy Spirit

Effective Grace - revealing the Gospel leading to salvation. [Romans 8:30]

The Sealing Ministry - an indication of ownership to God. [Eph. 1:13]

The Filling - the Holy Spirit's power being utilized to execute the divine plan. [Eph. 5:18]

The Indwelling - the Holy Spirit creates a temple in the believer for living. [1 Cor. 6:19-20]

The Baptism - the Holy Spirit enters the believer into union with Christ. [Gal 3:27]

Distributing Spiritual Gifts - given to every believer at salvation. [1 Cor. 12:11]

Regeneration - beginning to the spiritual life. [John 3]

A New Spiritual species - the Church which is the result of regeneration and baptism. [Acts 2]

God: The Son

Eternal Life - a share in the life of God. [1 John 5]

Justification & Reconciliation - the result of the sacrifice of Christ on behalf of the sinner.[Rom. 4]

Unlimited Atonement - salvation is open to anyone who will believe in Christ. [1 Peter 2:24]

Redemption - freedom from the slave market of sin. [Titus 2:14]

A Resurrected Body - an immortal, imperishable, and glorified heavenly body. [1 Cor. 15:42-53]

Problem Solving- ability to overcome obstacles in life using confession, grace, faith, etc. [Col. 1:9]

Divine Power - made available through the power of God and utilized by Bible doctrine. [Eph. 3:9]

Freed from the Kingdom of Satan - released from the control of evil and sinful nature. [Col. 1:13]

God: The Father

Eternal Inheritance - Heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ. [1 Peter 1:3-4; Rom. 8:17]

Eternal Security - the unbreakable relationship with the integrity of God. [1 Tim. 2:13]

Credited Righteousness - made acceptable to stand before God. [Rom. 4:5]

Given Propitiation - the turning away of God's wrath. [Rom. 3:25]

Royal Family of God - our position, priesthood, objective, and lifestyle as children of God. [Eph. 1]

Royal Ambassadorship - citizenship service to represent our heavenly kingdom. [Phil. 1:27]

Predestination - supplied grace and privilege to every Christian, given in eternity past. [Eph. 1:5]

The Priesthood - the function of speaking to God on behalf of universal creation. [1 Peter 2:5-9]


Where's my place in Heaven?

In Step #10, I mentioned our new citizenship in Heaven. Now let's dig a little deeper into what that actually means.

For Christians, our eternal home is in the third Heaven, meaning after we lose our earthly body, our soul goes to rest with the Lord...forever.

In fact, we are confident, and we would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. - 2 Cor. 5:8 (CSB)

If I am going to be living in Heaven, then what will it be like there?

Great question!

The Bible gives many details on the heavens; yes, there are actually 3 heavens.

The 1st heaven is a planet's atmosphere. [Gen. 6:7]

The 2nd heaven is outer space, a.k.a the universe. [Deu. 4:19]

The 3rd heaven is where God lives and where we will reside. [Heb. 8:1]

In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. - John 14:2 (KJV)

Within the 3rd heaven is a city called 'New Jerusalem,' where our mansion will be. Much of the information we have on heaven is in regards to this location. How exciting is that!

Let's look at a few more biblical descriptions of our future heavenly home.

What does home look like?

  • Pearly gates and streets of pure gold. [Rev. 21:21]

  • City measuring 1,400 miles in length, width, and height. [Rev 21:16]

  • Many mansions. [John 14:2-3]

  • Gemstone walls and foundation. [Rev. 21:19-20]

  • God's glory will illuminate it, no need for a Sun/Moon. [Rev 21:23-25]

  • No more darkness. [Rev. 21:25]

  • No temple buildings. [Rev 21:22]

  • Ultimate safety from evil deeds and thoughts. [Rev 21:27]

What will we be doing?

  • Using our new resurrected bodies. [Philippians 3:21]

  • Worship. [Hebrews 12:22-23]

  • Living with God. [Rev. 7:15-17]

  • Fellowshipping with believers throughout history. [Revelation 7:9-10]

  • Eat of the Tree of Life. [Rev 2:7; 22:2]

  • Given the rewards that we've earned on earth. [2 Tim. 4:8]

  • No more pain, death, or sorrow. [Rev. 21:4]

  • No more marriage. [Matt. 22:30]


What are Spiritual Gifts?

A spiritual gift is a God-given ability to serve the body of Christ as the Holy Spirit directs.

Christians receive their abilities at the moment of salvation, their spiritual birth. Although no believer can possess all the spiritual gifts, we each get at least one. [1 Peter 4:10]

While both natural talent and spiritual abilities are given at birth, they differ in purpose—the latter benefits the Church and not just mankind.

The Holy Spirit places believers where He needs them in the body of Christ. This new position is perfectly in tune with our personality and life experiences.

We must build up the Church by encouraging and teaching our brethren, meeting needs, healing the hurt, and saving the lost.

Each body part (Christian) has an individual task, yet we all work together as a team to accomplish God's plan.

But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually just as He wills. For just as the body is one and yet has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ. - 1 Cor. 12:11-12 (NASB)

As you mature spiritually, you may wish to improve certain areas you aren't gifted in, and that's completely healthy.

Yet, we shouldn't lust after someone else's gift, neglect our own, nor disrespect the less desirable ones.

What has already been assigned to you can't be changed, swapped out, or prayed away. You must accept it and be grateful because, after all, it is an honorable and holy task.

"And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?

If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing?

If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?

But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased Him." - 1 Cor. 12:16-18 (AKJV)

Don't lose faith in the Holy Spirit; He knows what's best for your future on Earth and in Heaven.

Always remember, God gives the special gift; you don't get to dictate what you want.

Do you have an idea of what you are spiritually gifted in?

Let's look at the spiritual gifts:

1. Apostles

Missionary eagerness to establish Church organizations in foreign areas.

2. Prophecy

Interpretation/Revelation of a divine message concerning a future event.

3. Evangelist

Ability to present the gospels clearly and engagingly.

4. Pastors

Care for the members of each church and explaining apostolic teachings.

5. Teachers

Give Biblical information and help deepen the believer's relationship with God.

6. Discernment

Ability to recognize God's truth from human error and contradictory teachings.

7. Encouragement

Helps with words of encouragement, comfort, support, and counsel.

8. Leadership & Guidance

Related to elders helping set goals in many areas of the Church.

9. Wisdom & Knowledge

Discerning/understanding God's doings and worldly functions.

10. Working Miracles

Used to validate God's message and strengthen the believer's faith.

11. Giving

Offering help to the Church, widows, orphans, and the poor.

12. Showing Mercy

To sense and respond to the emotional and spiritual needs of believers.

13. Faith

To challenge, encourage, and remind believers that we serve a powerful God.

14. Healings

Demonstration of God's power and validate apostolic authority.

15. Helping/Serving

Aid in the daily activities of the Church and helping other's ministries.

16. Speaking In Tongues

Speaking the gospel in a foreign language with no prior knowledge.

17. Interpretation Of Tongues

Translating the tongues into common language demonstrating God's power.

Please note that some gifts were temporarily given (like prophecy & tongues) until their purpose was fulfilled, while other gifts are permanently used throughout the Church Age. [1 Cor. 13:8-10]


How do I receive my gift?

With a new identity, we're all given a spiritual gift, and using it will help the Church function in unity.

However, as new believers, we're not told what our spiritual gift is right away simply because it isn't developed yet.

"We may not discover all the gifts given at salvation... As we grow, other gifts may come to light to use at different times in our life, but likely we possess them all from conversion... we cannot say what particular combination of gifts we have until we can look back over our lives and see what ones God used through all of our days." - Dr. Larry B. Patrick

Illustration: Think of a developing baby. Adults can not tell what talents that child will have until (s)he takes a genuine interest and excels in a subject.

Talents can develop at any age, and the same is true for a believer's spiritual gift.

Usually, Pastors can recognize and inform you of your spiritual gift(s). But first, give yourself room to grow by taking advantage of God-given opportunities and being actively involved in the Church.

Answer your calling!

When God: The Holy Spirit decides its time to reveal or use your gift, this is termed 'your calling.'

You call on God day and night during prayer, and now God is calling you, so answer!

You can recognize your calling as a burning desire to fulfill a need in the Church.

It may be to teach the youth, outreach to your local community, help organize Church services, or cheerfully give financially.

This burning desire will follow you, and you'll never fulfill your life's purpose until you've answered it.

The best practical advice to find your calling is to repent, pray for direction, find answers in the Bible, and listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Your actual gift will never contradict God's Word and should be dependent on and validated by the authority of the Holy Scriptures.

Study the list of spiritual gifts and ask yourself:

  1. Do I fit in any of these categories?

  2. Does one or more of these gifts come naturally to me?

If yes, that's great news! Confirm your conclusion with scriptures and/or a Pastor.

If no, then you may need more time to grow, or the opportunity to utilize your gift is yet to come.


" firm, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." - 1 Cor. 15:58 (NASB)


'House Of The Lord' by Hyper Fenton, Moflo Music

"When I fall to my knees now, despite what I've done I will live in the house of the one that I love

I will live in the house of the Lord forever..."

'Who You Say I Am' by Hillsong Worship

"Who the Son sets free, Oh is free indeed

I'm a child of God, yes, I am

In my Father's house, there's a place for me..."


Essentials of Spiritual Growth Series

Have you ever experienced the feeling of being incomplete despite having the perfect home, perfect car, or perfect job?... In this lesson, learn about God's divine purpose uniquely given to you to further His kingdom.


You are now on the right path to becoming an invaluable part of the Church, which we will look closer at in [Step 12] Maturity: Your New Family.

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