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[Step 10] New Believer's Series - Relationship: Share Him!

Updated: Jul 18

This post is part of a series of core Christian principles for new believers. For more, visit the series archive.

Learn the importance of our duty to share Jesus Christ with others.

What are the Gospels?

The 'gospels' are the first 4 books of the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

The word 'gospel' means good news, i.e., the 'good news' about Jesus Christ.

These 4 books are unique to the rest of the Bible because they describe the life, ministry, and death of Jesus Christ in great detail.

Each book paints a different portrait of Jesus and His work.

Matthew - A King of the Jews [Matt. 1:1]

Mark - A Servant [Mark 10:45]

Luke - A Man [Luke 19:10]

John - God [John 1:14-18]

And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. The one who has believed and has been baptized will be saved; but the one who has not believed will be condemned. 
- Mark 16:15-16 (NASB)

When we preach the gospel, we take the examples and accounts found in those 4 books and use them to witness to non-Christians. The central theme should always be about Jesus Christ.

  1. Jesus' ministry.

  2. Jesus death on the cross.

  3. Jesus' resurrection on the 3rd day.

Tip #1: A great place to start new Bibles readers is in the gospel of John.


How do we preach the Gospel?

We are commanded to preach the gospel numerous times in the Bible; however, preaching the gospel is different from being the 'Preacher' of a local Church.

To preach means to publicly proclaim, teach, or advocate a religious message/belief.

All Christians are given the ministry of reconciliation (restoring lost souls to right standing with God). [2 Cor. 5:11-21] We accomplish this by sharing the good news that Jesus Christ died for the sins of the world.

This type of ministry is different from being a Pastor/Preacher, the God-given spiritual authority and leader of a local Church.

Illustration: You have just found out that the road you're on is unfinished, and it ends at a cliff. On your walk back to the main highway, you see a car approaching at high speed.

They've missed all of the road signs telling them to turn around, & you're the last hope before it's too late. Do you?

A. You wave at them to slow down.

B. Aggressive get them to stop and speak with you.

C. Let them drive past and hope they figured it out on their own.

As Christians, our choice should be to do the right thing and warn them by telling the truth. But it's always their choice to believe you or not.

Everyone's life is on the road to hell, no matter how good/bad, wealthy/poor, or achievements/failures. The only way a person can be saved is through their belief in Jesus Christ. [John 14:6] And someone like you must share it with them first.

The Lord does not delay [as though He were unable to act] and is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is [extraordinarily] patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. - 2 Peter 3:9 (AMP)

God doesn't want anyone to perish, so He gives Christians the duty and opportunity to preach the gospel to strangers and loved ones in various situations. Please take advantage of it!

However, don't feel bad when a person doesn't convert to Christianity when you are witnessing. Some people aren't ready to give up their way of life.

Not everyone WILL be saved because not everyone WANTS to be saved.

Their journey to becoming a Christian might not begin nor end with you. However, your words can have a lasting impact by encouraging them to question their path.

Nonetheless, negative people will try to hinder your witness by attacking you legally, mentally, physically, or emotionally. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid it, but don't let this discourage you or cause nervousness.

The gospel [that is, the good news regarding the way of salvation] must first be preached to all the [Gentile] nations. When they take you and turn you over [to the court], do not worry beforehand about what to say, but say whatever is given to you [by God] in that hour; for it is not you who speak, but it is the Holy Spirit [who will speak through you]. - Mark 13:10-12 (AMP)

Tip #2: Before preaching the gospel, make sure to confess your sins so that God is free to work through you. Speak the truth with scriptural proof and not from your opinion.


Why shouldn't I be embarrassed?

There are times when an opportunity arises, and you might shy away from mentioning your faith.

You could:

  • Feel unskilled in biblical subjects and afraid to answer incorrectly.

  • Be surrounded by non-believers at work, at home, or with friends.

  • Be forced to keep your beliefs silent by local laws.

  • Not know how to witness effectively.

There may be many reasons for you to hide your faith, but by default, if you're not proud of something, you're ashamed of it.

For whoever is ashamed [here and now] of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory and the glory of the [heavenly] Father and of the holy angels. - Luke 9:26 (AMP)

So be bold, courageous, and tactful when preaching the gospel in words and actions. Despite your weaknesses, continue to exercise the faith that you do have and learn effective ways to share Jesus Christ with those around you.

Tip #3: You can ALWAYS trust and stand behind what the scriptures say even if you can't explain it because God knows what He is talking about.


Not only is it our duty to share Christ with others, but we are also called to be AMBASSADORS!

An ambassador is an authorized official representative to a foreign country.

So we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His appeal through us; we [as Christ’s representatives] plead with you on behalf of Christ to be reconciled to God. - 2 Cor. 5:20 (AMP) 

When we become Christians, we have new citizenship in Heaven, and Earth is considered a foreign country.

We essentially are a high-ranking spokesperson for Christ, and our role includes positive representation (behavior) and raising awareness (witnessing).

Whether it's in a professional work environment or everyday life, here are a few subtle ways to showcase your faith:

  • Wear Christian apparel & jewelry.

  • Use Christian greetings & pleasantries.

  • Pray throughout your day.

  • Read your Bible & carry it around.

  • Listen to Christian music/talk shows.

  • Be involved in your Church.

When you make these distinctions, you are setting yourself apart from the rest of the world.

Other Christians will recognize you as family, non-believers will ask you questions, and Satan will try to scare you back into hiding because you're on the way to greater things.


Where to find Bible study tools?

To share God, we must share His Words, which is the B.asic I.nstructions B.efore L.eaving E.arth.

The scripture will always and forever be in existence, and that's why it is the key to saving souls.

Today the Bible is printed in many languages and translations. You can choose from various shapes, sizes, and purposes.

Here are my top recommendations


  1. King James Version (KJV)

  2. New American Standard Bible (NASB)

  3. English Standard Version (ESV)

  4. Christian Standard Version (CSV)


  1. Companion Bibles = in-depth study resource.

  2. Study Bibles = student study notes by topic.

  3. Bible Commentaries = explanation of scripture.

  4. Gift & Award Bibles = perfect for giving away.

Tip #4: When giving away Bibles during witnessing, it would be an excellent idea to highlight key verses, write notes, and jot down your church contact info.

Format Type

  1. Journaling Bible - designed for note-taking.

  2. Compact - small, personal-size.

  3. Large Print - 10 point font or larger.

  4. Audio Bible - spoken and recorded in audio format.

Now with modern technology, we have cool apps to help us carry the Bible wherever we go.

Here is the 'Bible' app that I use by Youversion.

I love this app! Please download and add me as a friend, Airica Sada.

If you are a bit nervous about witnessing, there are tons of tools to help you. Here are a few:

  • Learn from 'Gospel Tracts'

  • Explain how Christ saved you

  • Study apologetic materials

  • Post bible verses on your social media

  • Share helpful Christian apps

  • Wear Christian apparel


"All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness" - 2 Timothy 3: 16 (ESV)


"And I don't really know why they be low key

Logo on my chest like what it do

We 'em followers of Christ homie what are you?

And if you not one we can still kick it but I might preach to you I'm just being real with it..."

"Leave behind your regrets and mistakes

Come today there's no reason to wait

Jesus is calling

Bring your sorrows and trade them for joy.."


What does it take to stand your ground in the face of criticism and rejection? The answer is conviction, being utterly convinced of the truth of God’s Word...


You now have the reason and resources to start sharing Jesus Christ with others. Next, we will begin the topic of maturity in [Step 11]!

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