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"Surrender" by Bee Ardoin | Lyrics & Analysis

Updated: Aug 10, 2020

My husband introduced me to the song "Surrender" by Bee Ardoin, & darling it spoke to my soul!

She really connected to my situation, and it's comforting to know I am not alone.

Like most people in the world, I had a plan for my life.

I knew what I wanted to do and had somewhat of an idea on how to accomplish it.

Then I got married, and my destiny changed.

My life was now intertwined, causing a shift in direction from single-hood to helpmate.

The hardest part for me was letting go of my deepest desires and surrendering my life to God.

Trusting Him(God) to guide our marriage and allowing Him to use the both of us to better His Kingdom.

I realized that all of my gifts and talents were given to me by Him, not to use selfishly, but to edify the Church.

"God gave you life, you put a style to it."

Frankly, I didn't want to waste any more time going the wrong way, so I surrendered all.

I hope you enjoy this song as much as I do.


Check out the spiritual significance of the lyrics below & listen to this awesome song on my #Spotify #playlist linked here.

"Surrender" by Bee Ardoin

All to thee my blessest Savior (Repeat x2) Everything I thought I wanted before is changing Everything I thought I was before is fading Fading away into the space It's hidden behind your grace Now all I want to do is fall into you Yeah

There's nothing left to do but give into you Ohhhh, Oooh hitting the floor Best thing that ever happened to me Oh yeah, yeah laying it down (laying it down) at your feet The hardest thing I did was let go It sounds so simple but it ain't though

(I ain't no wist never appose ?) So I concede and I will follow Now all I want to do is fall into you Fall into you (Repeat x2) Ohh Its nothing left to do but give into you Give into you I thought but you came Thought I lost but I gave It all to you, everything I thought was true Was a lie til I found you Wave my white flag I'm through My Lord (Repeat x3) Now all I want to do is fall into you Fall in All to thee my blessest Savior (Repeat x2)

Get the spiritual lyric analysis from Airica Sada, see how well this song aligns with God's word
'Surrender' by Bee Ardoin Lyric Analysis w/ Airica Sada

Bee Ardoin's lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. I have transcribed this song to provide lyrics references for educational purposes and personal use only.


If you have lyric corrections, please email it to me at I will do my best to approve and add the lyrics you have submitted. Thank you.




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