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If You're Not Doing This At Church, Then You Are Missing Out!

Updated: Nov 19, 2022

You can now learn, study, and grow spiritually by using this FREE printable & fillable PDF.

Do you remember a time when your Pastor preached an excellent sermon?

I mean it was as if he was speaking directly to your situation!

  • The topic was spot on

  • You agreed with every main point

  • You even learned something new

That sermon might seem fresh in your mind at the time, but without something to refer back to, you risk losing the beneficial message.

Today, how much of the sermon do you actually remember?

Just the main point or a bit more?

How long did it take you to forget?

Almost immediately or within a few weeks?

"Unforgettable sermons require great note-taking!"

Unfortunately, many Church lectures aren't available for instant access online.

So take advantage of the time God has given you by being a serious student of His Word.

Studies show that we only remember about 25% of what we hear.

Yet, we retain significantly more when we take notes by hand.

Why is that?

A major part of learning is MEMORY.

Handwritten notes activate multiple senses that help us store knowledge long-term.

Taking notes has several other benefits, for example:

  • Your mind is engaged and not being easily distracted by your environment.

  • You are actively listening by deciding what's valuable enough to write down.

  • You're future thinking by recording key ideas, and highlights for personal review later.

I created an easy-to-use note-taking template that will help you organize and retain important information the next time you listen to a sermon.

And best of all, it's FREE!

How to Use 'Sermon Notes'

Sermon Title

Write down the title of the sermon/series or make up your own.


Log the date you took the notes.


Jot down the name of the teacher(s) of the lesson.


Include the subject of the lesson so it's easier to categorize later.

Key Verses Column

Place scriptural references here for a quick study.

Notes Margin

This area is very flexible, allowing you to record main points, illustrations, and supporting ideas in whatever way works best for you.

Reflection Area

Use this area to reflect on the lesson, for example, 'how can I apply it' or 'who else can benefit from this lesson' or even room to draw illustrations.

Consider This:

Try not to write down notes verbatim (word-for-word) as it can lead to incomplete entries and missed data.


Download the Sermon Notes PDF today!



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