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New Believer's Series - Key Terms And Concepts

Updated: Oct 1, 2023

This post is part of a series of core Christian principles for new believers. For more, visit the series archive.

Congratulations, you've made large strides in your Christian walk. Let's take a short break to rest and review a few key terms and concepts from the previous posts.

Occasionally, as we walk together in faith, we'll take a break and review what we have covered using Key Terms & Concepts.

In this post, you will find:

  • Links to each New Believer's Series article

  • Simplified Key Concepts

  • Theological terms and definitions

  • Coinciding Scripture

  • Bonus gifts and more!

Let's look back at our first step, where we examined eternal salvation.

Key Concept:

Christians are individually purified and forgiven by the blood of Christ. This is necessary to be holy in the presence of God.

  • A·tone·ment - The act of restoring unity between God and humankind through Jesus Christ. (Rom. 5:19)

  • Rec·on·cil·i·a·tion - The end of separation caused by sin, restoring harmony and peace. (Col. 1:20)

There is no barrier between a believer and God due to the achievement of Christ's sacrifice. We are now redeemed, and our souls are restored and at peace with God.

Key Terms:

  1. Christian - A person who believes that Christ Jesus is the Messiah, prophesied in the Hebrew Bible.

  2. Righteousness - The characteristic of being morally upright and justifiable.

  3. Salvation - Soul rescued from the consequences of sin.

  4. Sin - An immoral act or wrongdoing that breaks the divine laws.


Key Concept:

We're declared righteous before the Lord, not because we deserve it, but by Christ and God's grace.

  • Jus·ti·fi·ca·tion - The action of removing the penalty of sin and making righteous in the sight of God. (Romans 5:1-2)

  • Pro·pi·ti·a·tion - The action of appeasing God, regaining divine favor. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Christians are justified before God when we trust in the accomplishments of Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. When God sees us, He sees the blood of Christ covering all of our unrighteousness.

Key Terms:

  1. Eternal Security - The confidence that soul salvation can never be lost or modified.

  2. Faith - Complete trust in God based on mental belief rather than physical proof.

  3. God-consciousness - The part of the human mind that can understand the existence of a Higher being.

  4. Unpardonable Sin - To disrespect and insult the works of God: The Holy Spirit.


Key Concept:

Spiritual Baptism sets us apart from all creation because of our adoption into the family of God.

  • Sanc·ti·fi·ca·tion - The action or process of being made holy. (1 Cor. 1:30)

  • Re·gen·er·a·tion - The objective work of God to renew the life of a believer. (1 Peter 1:3)

Our old nature is replaced by the Holy Spirit the moment we believe, and He continues to transform us as we spiritually grow.

Key Terms:

  1. Born again - A phrase used to describe the experience of spiritual rebirth or regeneration of the human spirit.

  2. Christening- The act of publicly dedicating a child's life to God by promising to raise them by biblical standards.

  3. Spiritual Baptism - New believer's fusion into the Christian Church by God: The Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation.

  4. Water Baptism - The public announcement and initiation into Christianity.


Key Concept:

For Christians to spiritually mature, we must yield to the Holy Spirit's teachings and exercise it.

  • Glo·ri·fi·ca·tion - The practice of representing the glory of God through one's actions. (Philippians 3:12)

Our love and appreciation for God's grace should inspire us to live a life that brings honor to Him by displaying the attitude of Christ.

Key Terms:

  1. The Church - The invisible temple of God formed by all Christians, who frequently meet together in buildings.

  2. Prayer- Interacting and relating with God through spiritual communication.

  3. Pastor - The Spiritual gift of leadership given to certain Christian males at the moment of salvation.


Bonus Gift!

Here is a gift for your hard work and study over the last few weeks.

Please print, use, and share it to commemorate your salvation and baptism!

Download the Certificate of Salvation below

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